JENGAS is a local business with stocks of Argon gas right here in SEQ. JENGAS sell cylinders outright so owning your own Argon gas cylinder outright instead of paying to rent it is now possible. JENGAS can supply and deliver Argon welding gas for MIG and TIG welding to Gatton and the surrounding areas. JENGAS has their our own dedicated delivery vehicle which has EFTPOS on board for your convenience so you just pay at the time of delivery.

JENGAS supply Argon gas cylinders for the home handyman, workshops and industry in Gatton
JENGAS supply industry standard cylinders which are Australian compliant, not odd shaped or sized bottles . We provide regular FREE delivery to Gatton and surrounding areas. Don't risk transporting cylinders in your vehicle when we can deliver to your home or business. Argon gas cylinder is not the only option. We also provide specialised Argon gas mixes, including Argon 5/2 which is an Argon-CO2-Oxygen mixture perfectly suited for MIG welding.
JENGAS are able to sell cylinders outright so it makes sense for most Logan clients to own their Argon gas cylinder rather than pay rent! Rent quickly adds up, meaning that owning your cylinders will save you money. The most common domestic and industrial applications for argon gas is as a shielding agent during metal inert gas (MIG) welding and tungsten inert gas (TIG) welding of aluminium and steel.